Imaginative Writing Worksheets

Primary Lined Imaginative Worksheets











Primary Lined Imaginative Writing Prompts

Imaginative Writing Worksheet-Any Pet Imaginative Writing Worksheet-Flying Bus Imaginative Writing Worksheet-Candy Imaginative Writing Worksheet-Crayon

Worksheet Title:  Any Pet 

Description: Students use imaginative writing skills to 

have any type of animal 

for a pet.

Page(s): 1

Worksheet Title:  School Bus 

Description: Students use imaginative writing skills to 

write about their adventure 

on a magical school bus.

Page(s): 1

Worksheet Title: Candy Store 

Description: Students write about

their imaginary trip to a 

candy store.

Page(s): 3

Worksheet Title:  Being a Crayon 

Description: Students use imaginative writing skills to 

write about a day in the life of

a crayon.

Page(s): 1



Imaginative Writing Worksheet-If I had a Dinosaur Imaginative Writing Worksheet-If I was Famous Imaginative Writing Worksheet-Field Trip Imaginative Writing Worksheet-Free Anything

Worksheet Title:  Dinosaurs 

Description: Students write about

an imaginary adventure 

with a dinosaur.

Page(s): 3

Worksheet Title:  Famous 

Description: Students imagine 

they are famous and write about 

the experience.

Page(s): 1

Worksheet Title:  Field Trip 

Description: Students use imaginative writing skills to 

write about their imaginary field

 trip to wherever they choose.

Page(s): 3

Worksheet Title:  Free 

Description: Students use imagination to write about 

what they would want if given 

one thing for free.

Page(s): 1


Imaginative Writing Worksheet-Kite Imaginative Writing Worksheet-Magic Bike Imaginative Writing Worksheet-Magic Wand Imaginative Writing Worksheet-Mirror

Worksheet Title:  Fly Like a Kite 

Description: Students 

imagine they were a kite and 

write about their experience.

Page(s): 3

Worksheet Title:  Magic Bike 

Description: Students use imaginative writing skills to 

write about what they did on 

their magic bike.

Page(s): 3

Worksheet Title:  Magic Wand 

Description: Students use imaginative writing skills to 

tell what they did with 

magic wand.

Page(s): 3

Worksheet Title:  Mirror 

Description: Students imagine 

they see something in the mirror 

and write about it.

Page(s): 3



Imaginative Writing Worksheet-Candy Imaginative Writing Worksheet-My Monster Imaginative Writing Worksheet-President Imaginative Writing Worksheet-Red Riding Hood

Worksheet Title:  Candy House 

Description: Students use imaginative writing skills to 

create and write about a 

"candy house".

Page(s): 1

Worksheet Title:  Monster Story 

Description: Students write about

seeing a monster riding a bike.

Page(s): 3

Worksheet Title:  President 

Description: Students pretend 

they are the President and write about what they would do.

Page(s): 1

Worksheet Title:  Little Red Riding Hood 

Description: Students use imaginative writing skills to 

write a friendly letter to 

the "big,bad wolf".

Page(s): 1



Imaginative Writing Worksheet-Show and Tell Imaginative Writing Worksheet-Spaceship Imaginative Writing Worksheet-Vacation

Worksheet Title:  Show & Tell 

Description: Students use imaginative writing skills to 

tell what they would bring to 

show and tell..

Page(s): 1

Worksheet Title:  Spaceship 

Description: Students use imagination to describe what happened when a spaceship 

landed in their yard.

Page(s): 1

Worksheet Title:  Fantasy Vacation 

Description: Students use imaginative writing skills to write about an imaginary vacation.

Page(s): 3