Comprehension-Sequencing Worksheets











Reading Comprehension-Sequencing Worksheet Reading Comprehension-Sequencing Worksheet Reading Comprehension-Sequencing Worksheet Reading Comprehension-Sequencing Worksheet

Worksheet Title: Beginning

Description: Students write what happened in the beginning of the story..

Page(s): 1

Worksheet Title: End

Description: Students write what happened at the end of the story.

Page(s): 1

Worksheet Title: Fairy Tales

Description: Students write what happened at the beginning,

 middle and end of the story.

Page(s): 1

Worksheet Title: Fairy Tales

Description: Students write what happened at the beginning, 

middle and end of the story.

Page(s): 1



Reading Comprehension-Sequencing Worksheet Reading Comprehension-Sequencing Worksheet Reading Comprehension-Sequencing Worksheet Reading Comprehension-Sequencing Worksheet

Worksheet Title: Sequencing

Description: Students write or

draw what happened first, 

next and last in the story.

Page(s): 1

Worksheet Title: First-Next-Last

Description: Students write 

 what happened first, next 

and last in the story.

Page(s): 1

Worksheet Title: First-Next-Last

Description: Students write 

 what happened first, next 

and last in the story.

Page(s): 1

Worksheet Title: First-Next-Last

Description: Students write 

 what happened first, next 

and last in the story.

Page(s): 1


Reading Comprehension-Sequencing Worksheet Reading Comprehension-Sequencing Worksheet Reading Comprehension-Sequencing Worksheet Reading Comprehension-Sequencing Worksheet

Worksheet Title: Middle

Description: Students write 

what happened in the middle 

of the story.

Page(s): 1

Worksheet Title: Sequence the Story

Description: Students sequence the events of the story.

Page(s): 1

Worksheet Title: Sequence the Story

Description: Students write or

draw (in order) what happened 

in  the story.

Page(s): 1

Worksheet Title: Sequencing

Description: Students put the story in order.

Page(s): 1


Reading Comprehension-Sequencing Worksheet Reading Comprehension-Sequencing Worksheet

Worksheet Title: First-Next-Last

Description: Students write 

(in order) what happened 

in  the story.

Page(s): 1

Worksheet Title: Sequence the Story

Description: Students draw 

pictures to show order of 

events in the story.

Page(s): 1